Sunday, 6 March 2011

The Shoot

My shoot went well, The weather was not that great but still managed to get some shots that I am really happy with. My model was absolutely freezing so considering the weather conditions, I am pretty happy with the outcome of the shoot. Here is one of the images I have edited.

I retouched this image, the model had a strand of hair over her mouth which really bugged me!
I tried my best to make it look as normal as before, this is the edited picture before I removed the strand of hair...

This does look more natural, but the hair is a bit frustrating. I am going to edit another photograph, one that is more 'chloe' like

Friday, 4 March 2011

Test Shots And Preperation For Shoot

I have picked an outfit for my model/models.
I have decided to shoot this project with a metz small flash. As I am going to a wood location it is easier to carry compared to the studio equiptment, I have organised some friends to come along and help with the shoot also.