Wednesday, 2 February 2011

University Work

These images were my finals for a project called 'first sight'.. It was meant to show my first thoughts of this new place. I had never lived away from home until I came to university, I wanted the images to come across almost lonely. I kept distance from the people that were in the images. I needed to show that I felt far from home. I was no longer in Brighton... I was in the 'lonely' streets of Rochester. I wanted the images to have a snapshot effect as it gives the idea of someone walking the streets feeling alone.

Larger Format Project...

For this project I had to find an interior space and photograph it on a large format camera. I had never used a large format before, I managed to work it okay...took a few trys to make sure I set up everything correctly but I got there. This is the image I chose for this project.

                                                  R O C H E S T E R      C A T H E D R A L 

Moving Stills

For this project, I got paired up with a partner and had to choose a character and a genre at random. We then had 36 frames to make a film, the film had to include the character of an insomniac and genre had to be action. 

We have not yet had our workshop to edit the sequence of the images yet..I will post the video up when it is finished.

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